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Player’s score, along with the top opponent, is displayed on the HUD in Deathmatch. Hosts can choose to enable voice chat between living and dead players of the same team so that when players die they can keep talking with their teammates (Player Match and System Link only). Hosts can choose whether or not their match uses random respawns in Team Deathmatch. Sped up the time it takes to zoom in and out with weapons, making it more responsive.Ědjusted the rate of fire for some of the Assault Rifles, Shotguns and an SMG.Increased the base accuracy of the Light Machine Guns.Increased the damage of Sniper Rifles at long range.ĝetonation speed of the C4 has been slightly increased.

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  • Ğxplosion delay of the incendiary grenade has been increased.
  • There are a number of changes to the weapons and gadgets settings in this new package, including: Oěullet spread is increased when not zoomed in

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    OĚim assistance is completely disabled, requiring players to be more precise OĜamera view has changed so that players must be exposed in order to see around a corner

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    OĚltered post-process effects of being in a critical health state Experience game modes in a more tactical way using the High Stakes setting, including: While inside the damage radius of a frag or incendiary grenade, a grenade indicator icon is displayed on the screen. Points that players have already accumulated in each of the categories will be applied toward the new A.C.E.S. level earned contains a substantial XP reward. will be extended to 100 for each of these three categories: Marksman, CQB and Assault. XP players have already accumulated as Elite will be applied toward the new ranks. Unlock new ranks beyond the rank of Elite. ĜQB Training – Dark: This map is set at nighttime, so expect more tactical assaults as players must use their night vision to spot enemies.Murdertown – Dark: Experience this map's intense, close-quarter action underneath the cover of darkness.All Rainbow Six Vegas 2 game modes are supported, including co-op terrorist hunt. Ĝalypso Casino: The fan favorite from Rainbow Six Vegas is back by popular demand.Three new MP maps are included for a brand-new Vegas 2 multiplayer experience, including two re-lit maps and the fan favorite from Rainbow Six Vegas: Until then, take a look below for all the details of the updated content.

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    Ubisoft has decided to offer this additional content for free to all Rainbow Six fans. Also included is a new High Stakes setting that allows players to play their favorite online modes in an exciting new way, along with the ability to attain new ranks and A.C.E.S. Scheduled for release in July via Xbox LIVE® Marketplace for the Xbox 360®, PLAYSTATION®Network and, this content package will enrich and extend the original game by offering three new multiplayer maps.

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    J– Ubisoft, one of the world’s largest video game publishers, today announced the full list for the upcoming release of “Fan Pack” – an all-new downloadable content (DLC) package for Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six® Vegas 2 for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, Windows PC and the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system. MEDIA ALERT: Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six® Vegas 2 – Fan Pack Content - Full List Revealed! The package will include three multiplayer maps, new ranks and a ton of other stuff you can read after the link.

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    Ubisoft's sent out details of the upcoming Vegas 2 Fan Pack, a bunch of DLC for all three versions of the game.

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